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Yıl 2014, Sayı: 3, 65 - 81, 24.11.2015


"What” is the expectation of quality in health services and "how" quality should be evaluated in health services delivery, is one of the subjects among ongoing discussions. As the issue of quality in health care are examined in the literature, so many concepts come up as perceived quality, technical quality, customer quality, organization quality, clinical quality and service quality, however the use of these concepts in practical life and their relationships with each other may be perceived differently (Donabedian 1980; Ovretveit, 1998; Carman 2000; Rose, Uli, Abdul ve Looi Ng: 2004). In this framework, quality is defined in health services and evaluation of health service quality is discussed within a modal.


  • • Accredittation Canada International (2012), ACI Publications.
  • • ARDIÇ, K. ve A. GÜLER, (2000), “Reklamlarda Vurgulanan Ürün ve Hizmet Kalite Boyutlarının Belirlenmesi ve Bir Uygulama, Pazarlama Dünyası”, Cilt. pp. 18 - 23, ISSN: DOI.
  • • Birleşik Devletler Sağlık Departmanı Sağlık Araştırmaları ve Kalite Birimi (2012), “Understanding Health Care Quality” http://www.ahrq.gov/consumer/guidetoq/guidetoq4.htm (Erişim Tarihi: 30.11.2012).
  • • BLUMENTHAL, D, (1996), “Part 1: Quality of care – what is it?” The New England Journal of Medicine, 335(12):891–894.
  • • BOWERS, M.R. and J.E. SWAN, W. KOEHLER, (1994), “What Attributes Determine Quality and Satisfaction With Health Care Delivery”, Health Care Management Review, 19(4), s. 49–55.
  • • BROGOWİCZ, A.A.-DELENE, L.M. - LYTH, D.M., (1990), “A Synthesised Service Quality Model with Managerial Implications”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 27-45.
  • • BROOK, R. - MCGLYNN, E - CLEARY, P., (1996), “Measuring Quality of Care” The New England Journal of Medicine, 335(13):966–970.
  • • CARMAN, JAMES. M., (1990), “Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: An Assessment of SERVQUAL Dimensions”, Journal of Retailing, 66(1), s.33-35.
  • • CARMAN, JAMES M., (2000), “Patient Perceptions of Service Quality: Combining the Dimensions”, Journal of Management of Medicine,v.14, n.5/6, s.339-356.
  • • CLEMMER T.P and SPUHLER, V.J., ONİKİ, T.A., HORN S.D., (1999), “Results of a collaborative quality improvement program on outcomes and costs in a tertiary critical care unit”, Crit Care Med; 27: 1768-74.
  • • CRONIN, J.J. and TAYLOR, S.A., (1992), “Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension”, Journal of Marketing, 56 (July), s: 55-68.
  • • CRONIN, J.J. and TAYLOR, S.A., (1994), “Servperf Versus Servqual: Reconcilling Performance-Based and Perceptions Minus-Expectations Measurement of Service Ouality”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 58, No:1,s:125-131.
  • • CRUMP, Bernard and ADIL, Mahmood, (2009), “Argue that there is nothing inevitable about loss of quality or productivity in a ‘flat budget’ environment. Can quality and productivity improve in a financially poorer NHS?” Brtish Medical Journal.;339 :b4638.
  • • CUNNİNGHAM L., (1991), “The Quality Connection in Health Care: Integrating Patient Satisfaction and Risk Management”, Jossey-Bass Publishers (San Francisco) 1st edition.
  • • Department of Health, (1997), “A First Class Service – Quality in The New NHS”, London, Department of Health.
  • • DONABEDİAN, A., (1988), “The Quality of Care: How Can It Be Assessed?” Journal of the American Medical Association, 260:1743–1748.
  • • DONEDEBİAN, A., (1980), “Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring, 1, The Definitions of Quality and Approaches to Its Assessment”, Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration Press, Michigan.
  • • ETTİNGER, W.H., (1998), “Consumer-Perceived Value: The Key to a Successful Business Strategy in the Healthcare Marketplace”, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 46 (1), pp. 111–113.
  • • EVANS, D., (2001), “Measuring Quality: From The System To The Provider”, International Journal for Quality Health Care, 13(6):439–446.
  • • FROST, F. and KUMAR, M., (2000), “INTSERVQUAL-An Internal Adaptation of The Gap Model ın A Large Service Organization”, Journal of Services Marketing, 14/5, s.358-377.
  • • GRAHAM, Nancy O., (1995), “Quality in Health Care Theory: Application and Evolution”, An Aspen Publication.
  • • GRONROOS, C.A. (1984), “Service Quality Model and Its Marketing Implications”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol: 18, No: 4, s. 36-44.
  • • IOM, (1990), “Medicare: A Strategy for Quality Assurance”, Vol.1. Washington, DC, National Academy Press.
  • • JCAHO, (2006), Oakbrook Terrace, IL, The Joint Commission http://www.jcaho.org (Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2012).
  • • KAVUNCUBAŞI, Ş., (2000), “Hastane ve Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi”, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi, 2000, s. 271.
  • • KAVUNCUBAŞI, Ş., (2007), “Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi”, A.Ü. Yayınları.
  • • KAYA, S., (2005), “Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Sürekli Kalite Geliştirme”, Ankara, Pelikan Yayınları.
  • • LEGIDO and QUIGLEY H., MCKEE M., WALSHE K., SUNOL R., NOLTE E., KLAZINGA N, (2008) “How Can Quality of Health Care Be Safeguarded Across The European Union?” BMJ, 2008, April 26, 336 (7650) 920-3.
  • • LEGİDO and QUIGLEY, GLINOS, I., BAETEN, R.H., MCKEE M, (2007). “Patient Mobility in The European Union” British Medical Journal, 334:188–190.
  • • LEGIDO and QUIGLEY, H., MCKEE, M., (2006), “Drivers of Patient and Professional Mobilit” London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London.
  • • LEHTINEN, U., LEHTINEN, J. R., (1991), “Two Approaches to Service Quality Dimensions”, The Service Industries Journal, 11 (3), s. 287-303.
  • • MAXWELL, R.J. (1992), “Dimensions of Quality Revisited: From Thought to Action”, Quality in Health Care, Volume 1, No. 3, s. 171-177.
  • • MCGLYNN, Elizabeth A., (1997), “Six Chalenges in Measuring the Quality of Health Care”, Health Affairs.
  • • OVRETVEIT, J., (1998), “Evaluating Health Interventions”, Open University Press: Buckingham,321.
  • • PARASURAMAN, A., BERRY Leonard L., ZEITHAML Valerie A., (1991), “Refinement and Reassessment of the SERVQUAL Scale”, Journal of Reatailing, Volume 6, Number 4, s. 420-450.
  • • PARASURAMAN, A., ZEITHAML V.A., BERRY L.L., (1998), “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perception of Service Quality”, Journal of Retailing, 64 (1), s.12–40.
  • • PARASURAMAN, A., ZEITHAML, V., BERRY, L.L., (1990), “Delivering Service Quality: Balancing Customer Perception and Expectations”, The Free Press, New York.
  • • PARASURAMAN, A., ZEITHAML, Valarie A., BERRY, Leonard L., (1985), “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.49, Fall, s. 41-50.
  • • ROSE, R.C., J., ULI, A., MOHANİ, K., LOOI NG, (2004), “Hospital Service Quality: A Managerial Challenge”, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 17(3), s.146-159.
  • • SATURNO, J., GASCON, J., PARRA, J.P., (1997), “Tratado de Calidad Asistencial en Atencion Primaria [Treaty on Quality for Primary Health Care]”, Du Pont Pharma, Madrid.
  • • SHAW, C. and KALO, I., (2002), “A Background for National Quality Policies in Health Systems”,WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.
  • • SUNOL, R. and BANERES, J., (2003), “Calidad Asistencial [Quality of Health Care]”, (Pending publication in Tratado de Medicina Interna 2 Edicion), Madrid, Barcelona, Masson.
  • • TOMES, A.E. and S., CHEE PENG NG., (1995), “Service Quality in Hospital Care: the Development of an in Patient Questionnaire”, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 8 (3), s. 25-33.
  • • TURNER, O. and SHARON L., DOUGLAS E., SNİPES, RL., BUTLER, D., (1998), “Quality Determinants And Hospital Satisfaction, Marketing Health Services”, March 1, Vol:18, Issue:1, pp.1094-1304.
  • • Türkiye Klinik Kalite Programı, “Tanımlar” http://www.saglik.gov.tr/KlinikKalite/belge/1-17646/tanimlar.html 04.01.2013


Yıl 2014, Sayı: 3, 65 - 81, 24.11.2015


Sağlık hizmetlerinde kaliteli hizmet sunumunun ya da hizmetlerin kaliteli olmasına dair duyulan beklentilerin gerçekte “ne” olduğu ve “nasıl” değerlendirilmesi gerektiği, üzerinde tartışmaların devam ettiği konular arasında yer almaktadır. Sağlık hizmetlerinde kalite literatürü incelendiğinde algılanan kalite, teknik kalite, müşteri kalitesi, organizasyon kalitesi, klinik kalite, hizmet kalitesi vb. birçok kalite kavramının ele alındığı görülmekte, ancak pratik hayatta bu kavramların kullanımı ve birbirleriyle ilişkileri farklı farklı algılanabilmektedir (Donabedian 1980; Ovretveit, 1998; Carman 2000; Rose, Uli, Abdul ve Looi Ng: 2004). Ele alınan çerçevede, çalışmada sağlık hizmetlerinde kalitenin tanımı yapılmaya ve sağlık hizmetleri kalitesinin ne şekilde değerlendirilebileceği, ortaya konulan bir model ile tartışılmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • • Accredittation Canada International (2012), ACI Publications.
  • • ARDIÇ, K. ve A. GÜLER, (2000), “Reklamlarda Vurgulanan Ürün ve Hizmet Kalite Boyutlarının Belirlenmesi ve Bir Uygulama, Pazarlama Dünyası”, Cilt. pp. 18 - 23, ISSN: DOI.
  • • Birleşik Devletler Sağlık Departmanı Sağlık Araştırmaları ve Kalite Birimi (2012), “Understanding Health Care Quality” http://www.ahrq.gov/consumer/guidetoq/guidetoq4.htm (Erişim Tarihi: 30.11.2012).
  • • BLUMENTHAL, D, (1996), “Part 1: Quality of care – what is it?” The New England Journal of Medicine, 335(12):891–894.
  • • BOWERS, M.R. and J.E. SWAN, W. KOEHLER, (1994), “What Attributes Determine Quality and Satisfaction With Health Care Delivery”, Health Care Management Review, 19(4), s. 49–55.
  • • BROGOWİCZ, A.A.-DELENE, L.M. - LYTH, D.M., (1990), “A Synthesised Service Quality Model with Managerial Implications”, International Journal of Service Industry Management, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 27-45.
  • • BROOK, R. - MCGLYNN, E - CLEARY, P., (1996), “Measuring Quality of Care” The New England Journal of Medicine, 335(13):966–970.
  • • CARMAN, JAMES. M., (1990), “Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality: An Assessment of SERVQUAL Dimensions”, Journal of Retailing, 66(1), s.33-35.
  • • CARMAN, JAMES M., (2000), “Patient Perceptions of Service Quality: Combining the Dimensions”, Journal of Management of Medicine,v.14, n.5/6, s.339-356.
  • • CLEMMER T.P and SPUHLER, V.J., ONİKİ, T.A., HORN S.D., (1999), “Results of a collaborative quality improvement program on outcomes and costs in a tertiary critical care unit”, Crit Care Med; 27: 1768-74.
  • • CRONIN, J.J. and TAYLOR, S.A., (1992), “Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and Extension”, Journal of Marketing, 56 (July), s: 55-68.
  • • CRONIN, J.J. and TAYLOR, S.A., (1994), “Servperf Versus Servqual: Reconcilling Performance-Based and Perceptions Minus-Expectations Measurement of Service Ouality”, Journal of Marketing, Vol: 58, No:1,s:125-131.
  • • CRUMP, Bernard and ADIL, Mahmood, (2009), “Argue that there is nothing inevitable about loss of quality or productivity in a ‘flat budget’ environment. Can quality and productivity improve in a financially poorer NHS?” Brtish Medical Journal.;339 :b4638.
  • • CUNNİNGHAM L., (1991), “The Quality Connection in Health Care: Integrating Patient Satisfaction and Risk Management”, Jossey-Bass Publishers (San Francisco) 1st edition.
  • • Department of Health, (1997), “A First Class Service – Quality in The New NHS”, London, Department of Health.
  • • DONABEDİAN, A., (1988), “The Quality of Care: How Can It Be Assessed?” Journal of the American Medical Association, 260:1743–1748.
  • • DONEDEBİAN, A., (1980), “Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring, 1, The Definitions of Quality and Approaches to Its Assessment”, Ann Arbor, MI: Health Administration Press, Michigan.
  • • ETTİNGER, W.H., (1998), “Consumer-Perceived Value: The Key to a Successful Business Strategy in the Healthcare Marketplace”, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 46 (1), pp. 111–113.
  • • EVANS, D., (2001), “Measuring Quality: From The System To The Provider”, International Journal for Quality Health Care, 13(6):439–446.
  • • FROST, F. and KUMAR, M., (2000), “INTSERVQUAL-An Internal Adaptation of The Gap Model ın A Large Service Organization”, Journal of Services Marketing, 14/5, s.358-377.
  • • GRAHAM, Nancy O., (1995), “Quality in Health Care Theory: Application and Evolution”, An Aspen Publication.
  • • GRONROOS, C.A. (1984), “Service Quality Model and Its Marketing Implications”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol: 18, No: 4, s. 36-44.
  • • IOM, (1990), “Medicare: A Strategy for Quality Assurance”, Vol.1. Washington, DC, National Academy Press.
  • • JCAHO, (2006), Oakbrook Terrace, IL, The Joint Commission http://www.jcaho.org (Erişim Tarihi: 12.11.2012).
  • • KAVUNCUBAŞI, Ş., (2000), “Hastane ve Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi”, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi, 2000, s. 271.
  • • KAVUNCUBAŞI, Ş., (2007), “Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi”, A.Ü. Yayınları.
  • • KAYA, S., (2005), “Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Sürekli Kalite Geliştirme”, Ankara, Pelikan Yayınları.
  • • LEGIDO and QUIGLEY H., MCKEE M., WALSHE K., SUNOL R., NOLTE E., KLAZINGA N, (2008) “How Can Quality of Health Care Be Safeguarded Across The European Union?” BMJ, 2008, April 26, 336 (7650) 920-3.
  • • LEGİDO and QUIGLEY, GLINOS, I., BAETEN, R.H., MCKEE M, (2007). “Patient Mobility in The European Union” British Medical Journal, 334:188–190.
  • • LEGIDO and QUIGLEY, H., MCKEE, M., (2006), “Drivers of Patient and Professional Mobilit” London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London.
  • • LEHTINEN, U., LEHTINEN, J. R., (1991), “Two Approaches to Service Quality Dimensions”, The Service Industries Journal, 11 (3), s. 287-303.
  • • MAXWELL, R.J. (1992), “Dimensions of Quality Revisited: From Thought to Action”, Quality in Health Care, Volume 1, No. 3, s. 171-177.
  • • MCGLYNN, Elizabeth A., (1997), “Six Chalenges in Measuring the Quality of Health Care”, Health Affairs.
  • • OVRETVEIT, J., (1998), “Evaluating Health Interventions”, Open University Press: Buckingham,321.
  • • PARASURAMAN, A., BERRY Leonard L., ZEITHAML Valerie A., (1991), “Refinement and Reassessment of the SERVQUAL Scale”, Journal of Reatailing, Volume 6, Number 4, s. 420-450.
  • • PARASURAMAN, A., ZEITHAML V.A., BERRY L.L., (1998), “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perception of Service Quality”, Journal of Retailing, 64 (1), s.12–40.
  • • PARASURAMAN, A., ZEITHAML, V., BERRY, L.L., (1990), “Delivering Service Quality: Balancing Customer Perception and Expectations”, The Free Press, New York.
  • • PARASURAMAN, A., ZEITHAML, Valarie A., BERRY, Leonard L., (1985), “A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.49, Fall, s. 41-50.
  • • ROSE, R.C., J., ULI, A., MOHANİ, K., LOOI NG, (2004), “Hospital Service Quality: A Managerial Challenge”, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 17(3), s.146-159.
  • • SATURNO, J., GASCON, J., PARRA, J.P., (1997), “Tratado de Calidad Asistencial en Atencion Primaria [Treaty on Quality for Primary Health Care]”, Du Pont Pharma, Madrid.
  • • SHAW, C. and KALO, I., (2002), “A Background for National Quality Policies in Health Systems”,WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.
  • • SUNOL, R. and BANERES, J., (2003), “Calidad Asistencial [Quality of Health Care]”, (Pending publication in Tratado de Medicina Interna 2 Edicion), Madrid, Barcelona, Masson.
  • • TOMES, A.E. and S., CHEE PENG NG., (1995), “Service Quality in Hospital Care: the Development of an in Patient Questionnaire”, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 8 (3), s. 25-33.
  • • TURNER, O. and SHARON L., DOUGLAS E., SNİPES, RL., BUTLER, D., (1998), “Quality Determinants And Hospital Satisfaction, Marketing Health Services”, March 1, Vol:18, Issue:1, pp.1094-1304.
  • • Türkiye Klinik Kalite Programı, “Tanımlar” http://www.saglik.gov.tr/KlinikKalite/belge/1-17646/tanimlar.html 04.01.2013
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Kasım 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Kasım 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Sayı: 3

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