Writing Rules

Spelling Rules

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• General Format and Page Layout
• The page structure of the articles to be sent to the journal should be such that there are 2.5 cm from the top, 2.5 cm from the bottom, 2.5 cm from the right, and 2.5 cm from the left.
• Articles should consist of at least 3500 words and maximum 10,000 words (maximum 25 pages).
• In Microsoft Word, Times New Roman should be 12 points, justified, paragraph spaces should be 6 pt up and below the page, and line space should be single. Paragraphs should be indented 1.25 cm at the beginning.
• Abstract / Abstract headings should be centered and the body text should be 10 points.
• Up and below 6 pt, lines should be single space. Keywords up and below 0 pt. Line space should be prepared in a single form.
• An extended English summary of the article should be added to the articles written in Turkish. Extended abstract should be between 750-1000 words and include all general chapter titles. Section titles should not be used in the English abstract.
• All spelling features not limited herein should be arranged in accordance with the APA.7 edition.
General Chapter Headings and Numbering
Articles to be sent should generally include the following sections. Titles
Discussion and comment
First Page Layout
The title of the article should be 14 points, bold and centered. Turkish and English titles should be written one after the other, with the first letter of each word capitalized, and the name of the author should be in Times New Roman 12 points.
• Author information * with a special mark at the bottom of the page as a footnote Title, institution name (University/Faculty/Department Information), e-mail address, ORCID information (this information should not be present when the article is first sent)
• The abstract in Turkish/English should fully express the purpose of the article and should contain at least 100 and maximum 250 words.
• Keywords: Only the first letter is capitalized, maximum 8 words using a comma between each word (0 pt. before-after).
• Keywords: A maximum of 8 words should be started with a comma between each word, including the first letter, excluding the proper name, and no punctuation marks should be used after the last keyword.
Citation and Bibliography
The reference list should be labeled “References” in capital letters and centered. In each bibliography, the first line is left aligned, the next line indented 0.5 inch.
References to the author or authors in the text should be as stated below.
** When citing in the text and when citing works with 3 or more authors, the first author should be given, followed by et al.
In the text:
Single author: Author, A. A. (2022)
With two authors: Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (2022)
With three or more authors: Author A. A. et al. (2022)
In the bibliography:
(Example for the article)
Single Author: Author, A. A. (2022). Title of publication, volume(number of periodicals), page range.
With Two Authors: Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (2022). Title of publication, volume(number of periodicals), page range.
With More Than Two Authors: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (2022). Title of publication, volume(number of periodicals), page range.
• The author of the book, the year of publication, the title of the book (in italics and lowercase letters) should be given.
• Publication information should be added in parentheses after the title, without italics.
• In the 7th edition of APA, the place of publication information has been removed when naming the books in the bibliography.
• If both books and book chapters have a DOI, a DOI should be added in the bibliography after the publisher's name. If there is no DOI but a fixed URL, the URL of the book/chapter should be added to the reference.
• The database should not be included in the reference.
• The & sign should be used instead of “and” or “and” in parenthetical citations and bibliography.
Single-Author Studies
• Just after the citation, the surname of the author, the year of publication of the work/study and the page number should be given in parentheses, respectively, using a comma between them.
• The dot mark indicating the completion of the sentence should be placed after the parenthesis.
• References to the narrative method and to the whole book do not include page numbers.
In Text
Narrative quote: Gokalp (2020), Varley (2000).
Quoting in parentheses: (Gökalp, 2020), (Varley, 2000).
In the bibliography:
Gokalp, Z. (2020). Hars and civilization. Bilgeoguz Publications.
Atalay, I. (2017). Geomorphology of Turkey (3rd ed.). META Edition.
Varley, P. (2000). Behave: Japanese culture. penguin University of Hawaii Press.
Two-Author Studies
• “&” sign is used when linking with the surnames and conjunctions of the authors in parenthetical citations and bibliography. Outside the parenthesis, “and” or “and” is used.
In Text:
Narrative excerpt: Steel and Lightning (2013), Goldberger and Breznitz (2010).
Quote in parentheses: (Atalay & Mortan, 2011), (Page & Stritzke, 2015).
In the bibliography:
Celik, A., & Simsek, M. S. (2013). Management and organization. Education Publisher.

Works with Three or More Authors
• When citing studies with three or more authors, in-text citation according to APA 7th edition should now be abbreviated from the first citation. Accordingly, only the surname of the first author and “et al.” statement should be added. In the works written in English, the Latin abbreviation of the expression "et al." should be added.
• In Turkish references/citations made with the narration method outside the parenthesis, “et al.” instead of “et al.” expression is used.
• For works with 20 or more authors (including the 20th author) in the bibliography in APA 7th Edition, the names of all authors must be included. However, if the number of authors is more than 21, the names of the first 19 authors and the last author should be listed.
In Text:
Narrative quote: Abisel et al. (2005) claimed… Abisel et al. (2005) argued… Boas et al. (1916) argued… Boas et al. argued that (1916)…
Quote in parentheses: (Abisel et al., 2005), (Boas et al., 1916).
In the bibliography:
Abisel, N., Arslan, U. T., Behçetoğulları, P., Karadoğan, A., Öztürk, S. R. & Ulusoy, N. (2005). Very Weird Very Familiar. Metis Publishing House.
Boas, F., Hooke, S., & Tate, H. W. (1916). Tsimshian mythology. Washington: The Bureau.
Fully Edited Book
In the text:
Narrative quote: Yılmaz and Demir (2021) claimed…
Quote in parentheses: (Yılmaz and Demir, 2021)
In the bibliography:
Last name of the author/editor., name of the author (date), Name of the book. Publisher. url
Hygum, E., & Pedersen, P. M. (Eds.). (2010). Early childhood education: Values ​​and practices in Denmark. Hans Reitzels Forlag. https://earlychildhoodeducation.digi.hansreitzel.dk/
Edited Books
In the text:
Narrative excerpt: Goldberger and Breznitz (2010)
Quote in parentheses: (Goldberger & Breznitz., 2010)
In the bibliography:
Last name of the author/editor., name of the author (date), Name of the book. Publisher.
Goldberger, L., & Breznitz, S. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of stress. Simon and Schuster.
book section.
In the text:
Narrative quote: Haviland et al. (2008)
Quote in parentheses: (Haviland et al., 2008)
In the bibliography:
Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Chapter title. The initials of the editor's name. Editor's surname (Ed.), Title of the book (page range of the chapter). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Haviland, W., Prins, H., Walrath, D. and Mcbride, B. (2008). Social identity, personality and gender. I. Erguvan Sarıoğlu (Ed.), Cultural Anthropology (pp. 263-290). Istanbul, Kaknüs Publications.
Note: When bibliography is given from books, when DOI or URL is wanted to be added, it can be added to the end.
Taylor, J. (2014). The Festivalization of Cultur.e (A. Bennett, Ed.) (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315558189
Translation Book
In the text:
Narrative quote: Kierkegaard (2004)
Quote in parentheses: (Kierkegaard, 2004).
In the bibliography:
Author's surname., author's initials (date), Title of book. (The first letter of the translator's name, surname, Trans.) Publisher.
Kierkegaard, S. (2004). Immortal disease despair. (M. M. Yakupoğlu, Trans.). Eastwest Publications.
In the text:
Narrative excerpt: Tardy (1985)
Quote in parentheses: (Tardy, 1985)
In the bibliography:
Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title of publication, volume(number of periodicals), page range.
Tardy, C. H. (1985). Social support measurement. American journal of community psychology, 13(2), 187.
Atılgan, S. A. and Kolburan, S. G. (2019). Investigation of depression levels and coping strategies of mothers with autistic and normally developed children. Aydın Health Journal, 5(2), 133-160.
Articles with DOI:
Holmes, T. H. and Rahe, R. H. (1967). The social readjustment rating scale. Journal of psychosomatic research, 11(2), 213–218. https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-3999(67)90010-4
In the text:
Narrative quote: American Psychological Association, (n.d.)
Quote in parentheses: (American Psychological Association, n.d.)
In the bibliography:
American Psychological Association. (n.d.). mood. In APA dictionary of psychology. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from https://dictionary.apa.org/mood
Quote in parentheses: (“Orchidaceae,” 2022)
Narrative excerpt: “Orchidaceae” (2019)
In the bibliography:
orchidaceae (2022, 2 February). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orchidaceae
Electronic Theses:
In the text:
Narrative quote: Slow (2008)
Quote in parentheses: (Slow, 2008)
In the bibliography:
Author's surname, Initials. (Date). Thesis title (Thesis no. ….). [PhD/Master's thesis, Name of the University]. Yök National Thesis Center.
Slow, N. (2008). All the women are White, all the blacks are men: A typology of black women's images in the literary tradition of African American women writers (Thesis no. 231681) [PhD dissertation, Ege University]. Yök National Thesis Center.
Thesis whose URL doesn't work for everyone:
In the text:
Narrative quote: Minus (2017)
Quote in Parenthesis: (Minus, 2017)
In the bibliography: Author's surname, Initials. (Date). Thesis title (Publication No. ….) [PhD/master's thesis]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Minus, S. E. (2017). Hox enhancers exploit the regulatory landscape of drosophila legs to pattern leg-specific sense-organs (Publication No. 10644457). [Doctoral Dissertation, Boğaziçi University]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
In Text:
Narrative excerpt: Turkgil (2021)
Quote in parentheses: (Türkgil, 2021)
In the bibliography:
Author's surname, Initials. (Date). Thesis title [Unpublished PhD/master thesis]. University name.
Turkgil, B. (2021). Investigation of the relationship between childhood traumas, ruminative thinking style and hopelessness level in adults with childhood traumas [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Istanbul Kent University.
Conference Presentation
In the text:
Quote in parentheses: (Fistek et al., 2017)
Narrative quote: Fistek et al. (2017)
In the bibliography:
Author's surname, Initials. (Date). Title. The name of the conference, the place. DOI/URL
Fistek, A., Jester, E., & Sonnenberg, K. (2017, July 12–15). Everybody's got a little music in them: Using music therapy to connect, engage, and motivate [Conference session]. Autism Society National Conference, Milwaukee, WI, United States. https://asa.confex.com/asa/2017/webprogramarchives/Sessi on9517.html
Conference Paper Published in the Journal:
Author's surname, Initials. (Date). Title. The name of the conference. Name of the journal, volume (number of publication), page range.
Belgin, A. K. I. N., & Koçoğlu-Tanyer, D. (2021). SPIRIT 2013 Statement: Identification of standard protocol items for clinical trials. Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing Journal, 8(1), 117-127.
Web page:
Name of web page, (date). Topic title. URL address.
World Health Organization. (20 ,July 31). Antibiotic resistance. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/antibiotic-resistance
National Institute of Mental Health. (2018, July). Anxiety disorders. BASE. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/anxiety-disorders/index.shtml
Direct Quotes:
When quoting directly,
As in every citation, the author's name, date and page information should be given. (Demir and Yılmaz., 2019, p.210)
In direct quotations, if the sentence/text to be quoted is less than 40 words, it is given in quotation marks (“…”) at the end of the paragraph.
…” Behaviorist tradition proposes not a deductive science theory, but an inductive method of psychology in line with the development of basic laws” (Yavuz, 2015, p.22).
For quotations of more than 40 words, the bottom line is entered, the entire block is indented 0.5 inch from the left margin, double space is left.
The description method was defined by Kaptan (1995) as follows: “They are studies that try to describe and explain what events, objects, entities, institutions, groups and various fields are. What are these? aimed at answering the question. With this, current situations, conditions, features are tried to be revealed exactly. Descriptive studies aim to explain the interaction between situations, taking into account the relations of current events with previous events and conditions” (p. 59).
Title Levels
Level 1 Times New Roman, centered, bold, start each word with a capital letter, 12 points, before-after 6 pt spacing, single line spacing
Level 2 Times New Roman, left justified, bold, start each word with a capital letter, 12 point, spacing, single line spacing
Level 3 Times New Roman, justified left, bold italic, 12 points, first word starts with a capital letter, single line spacing
Level 4 Times New Roman, indented, bold, first word starts with a capital letter, single line spacing, trailing dot.
Level 5 Times New Roman, indented, bold italic, first word starts with a capital letter before-after, single line spacing, trailing dot.

Table numbers and naming
• Tables should be left-justified, and the horizontal view within the cell should be left-justified.
• The character size used in tables can be reduced to 8 points. Table width should not exceed 15.5 cm.
• The use of vertical rulers should be avoided.
• In-cell vertical view centered, before-after 0 pt spacing, single line spacing
• Numbering the table: First of all, it should be given sequentially by using the section number.
• Naming the table: Above the table, Times New Roman, indented 1.25, italic, 10 pt, first word starts with a capital letter before-after 0 pt spacing, single line spacing. If the table extends to the other page, the name of the table on the other page should be prepared as Table … will continue.

Figure/Graphic numbers and naming
• Figures/Graphics should be prepared centered.
• Figure/Graphic numbers: First of all, they should be given sequentially by using the section number.
• Naming Figures/Graphics: Below the figure, Times New Roman, centered, italic, 10 pt, first word starts with a capital letter.

• Naming Figures/Graphics: Below the figure, Times New Roman, centered, italic, 10 pt, first word starts with a capital letter before-after 0 pt spacing, single line spacing

• Scale, document, picture, etc., which have an important function in making the research understandable. can be given in addition.
• The scale developed in the scale development articles should be given in the Appendices.
• Numbering of the annexes: The annexes should be given sequentially by using the chapter number first.
• Naming the attachment: At the top of the page, Times New Roman, justified to the right, bold, 10 pt, First letter of each word capitalized, 6 pt spacing before and after, single line spacing.
• Ethics committee approval should be added as an appendix.

Ethics Committee Permission
• In the article, it should be stated whether the approval of the Ethics Committee and/or legal/special permission is required.
• In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form should be included in the article. Copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works must be complied with and it must be stated in the article that they are complied with.

Similarity Report

The similarity report of candidate articles should be at most 20%.

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