Principles of Publication and Writing
- Publication Principles:
* The last article submission date for June issue of our magazine is 15 April and 15 October for December. Articles submitted after these dates are evaluated for publication in the next issues of our journal.
* Articles written in an area other than the disciplines specified in the 'Scope' section of the journal will not be accepted.
* Studies submitted to the journal should be original. In the case of plagiarism and similar situations which cannot be determined by the journal management, responsibility belongs to the authors or authors in the case of publication of the research.
* Papers presented in scientific meetings can be evaluated for publication if they have not been published in another journal or paper booklet. The manuscripts published in the manuscript or elsewhere are not published for any reason whatsoever. Journal management is not obliged to investigate whether the manuscripts were previously published elsewhere. The ethical responsibility of the case belongs to the author.
* The authors of the works published in the Journal of Social Sciences of the Faculty of Letters of Cumhuriyet University are not paid royalty fees.
* The work to be submitted to the journal should be prepared in MS Word environment. Studies submitted in different formats will not be accepted.
* Since the works will be uploaded on the system where the author is registered, the author should not include the first name. After the publication stage of the study, this information will be added by the editors.
* The studies are sent to the two referees who are determined by the relevant field editors and evaluated in their fields for evaluation. If two of the referees report positively, the text is accepted for editing; however, when one of the referees makes a positive decision and the other makes a negative decision, the letter is sent to a third referee. According to the decision of the third referee, the letter is accepted or rejected. - Writing Principles:
* The spelling language of the journal is Turkish; however, articles written in English, French, German, Arabic, Russian or Contemporary Turkish dialects may also be published in our journal. Writing in any language other than these languages is not taken into consideration.
* In the articles sent to our journal to be published, the following sections must be present: Turkish title, abstract and keywords, English title, abstract and keywords; main text, results and bibliography.
* The title of the article should be written in large and thick letters and should be placed in the center of the article. After the title, there should be a Turkish summary with at least 200 words and a keyword with at least three words. The same applies to the English title, summary and keywords.
* Writing style of the work should be “Palatino Linotype *.
* Heading 12, text and text headings 11, footnotes and abstracts should be written in 9 points.
* Article should be written 3 cm from the left, 2 cm from the right and 2.5 cm each from the top and bottom.
* Summaries, before and after with 6 nk range and 1 line spacing; The main text should be written with 6 nk intervals and 1.5 line spacing after 9 nk.
* Text quotations that pass 5 lines should be placed within 1 cm in the text.
* The journal (s) accepted by the journal are MLA and APA.
* Cited in a.g.e. , a.g.t. or a.g.m. etc. abbreviations should not be used. Instead, a significant abbreviation should be applied only after the use of the surname of the author. Ex. Confidence Between Two Wars İki, p. 45.
* Illustrations such as tables, figures, graphics and maps in the text should be written above the image and written in 9 font size.
* The files to be uploaded as a file must be 300 dpi.
* The related headings should be clearly indicated in the tables.
* Headings in the text should be written left aligned to the main text ranges; The text should be in the same proportion as the font and should be in bold.
* The headings of each word should be larger than the initial letter.
* Paragraph 0.75 cm should be applied in each paragraph.
* The manuscripts sent to our journal to be published should be based on the Turkish Language Institute's Guidelines.